Wednesday, 3 August 2011

Return to Forgotten Translation

This week I went back to uni, and first class up was French. As you do at uni, I've moved up a subject and am now completing French Language and Culture 4.
Though, after not having done any french for the past 6 weeks, I didn't expect it to be so hard to get back into. My conjugations are still on track, though my range of vocab and sharpness of mind is lacking. I've become so worried about this that I've just spent the last hour downloading about 30 random french podcasts...
Some one one said to me that for every day that you don't study a language, you lose 12 words. Let's see, at 6 weeks, that's 42 days... That's 504 words! Hmm, I'm not sure if that's exactly correct, though I can definitely feel my mind lugging behind my confidence when I go to say something in class.
One benefit to come out of this though is that my mother said to me, "Well, when you come back from France for the year, you will just have to make sure that you travel back there every year to make sure you keep the language". Yes! That's exactly what I must do. In fact, all of a sudden, all of this studying vocab and draining my mind of useless information to refill with verb conjugations actually makes me feel that it's not all for the good grades, I get an annual holiday out of it too!
It's time to get stuck back into those books...