Thursday, 10 May 2012

A different direction.

So, I've decided to put Normandy a bit on the backburner. A few weeks ago, I had to submit my uni preferences for next year. I'd spoken to one of the girls who's in Normandy now, and realised that I was really only choosing to go to Caen because there was a job on offer. I wasn't sure if I should be basing my entire decision on that. So I looked into a few of my other options, and my first choice I submitted was..... BORDEAUX. But, Normandy was still my second choice.
Bordeaux seemed to be a bit of a bigger town and also looked a little prettier. It's also one of the major wine regions so that will have its advantages. But, it is difficult to apply for accommodation on campus, so I will probably be living in an apartment in the centre of town. The uni is half an hour from town, but I figured if I'm only going to be at uni 2-3 days a week, I would rather travel 30 mins 2-3 times a week, rather than every time I wanted to go into town.
But, nothing has been guaranteed yet, so nothing is set in stone.