Wednesday, 24 October 2012

Somewhere to live.

So, I've finally found somewhere to live. After many many MANY emails sent out to apply for all sorts of places, and getting relatively very few replies, some more dodgy than others, I found a girl on appartager who seemed to have everything I was looking for; 30 minute travel to uni time, 15 minute into the city centre, large bedrooms and living area. After emailing each other, I discovered that two UTS girls are living with her at the moment. I had been in contact with these girls at the time, and they had told me that Lea (french girl) wasn't willing to take in another Australian student. She wanted someone who was going to stay for at least two years (of which I am not) and someone who would work to the European uni year (again, I am not). However, for some reason, unknown to me or the other girls currently living with her, she changed her mind and said yes! I was so ecstatic that day! So that sorted that issue out. Next year, I will be taking up residence with two french girls (the other french girl is moving in next year too).
 Finding somewhere to live is possibly the most agonising of all of the processes of moving overseas. Without actually living in the country, you can't view properties before you commit to them. And, most people want some sort of monetary guarantee that you will commit to renting their property (which is unhelpful if the property isn't real and it turns out to be a scam). But, mainly it's just frustrating because in order to obtain a visa for the year, you need to prove that you have somewhere to live. Which means, that you need to have somewhere to live by mid-November. I didn't realise this and so it has been a bit of a mad rush over the last few weeks to find somewhere. But, out of the seven of us going to Bordeaux, only two of us have somewhere. The whole process almost turns you off actually wanting to  go.
As the leaving date looms closer, I find myself becoming more moody about everything; not really wanting to leave everyone over here, anxious about what it will be like over there. But, unless I want to fail uni, I have to go. So there's really no point in complaining, I'll have a ballllll.