It's 2 weeks today until I fly. I've now started a pile in the corner of my room of things I need to take but won't be needing in the next few weeks - gloves, a beanie, medication, new things, etc. I'll probably start heavy duty packing in about a week.
I don't know if I've said this before, but I've now received my visa to live legally in France for the year. It was a pretty anxious wait, wondering if I'd actually get one and what would happen if I didn't.
At the moment, most of my time is spent preparing myself mentally for the experience. Leaving will be hard, but I think once I actually set foot there and am inside my bedroom, I should be ok. Then mentally preparing for my first day of uni will be a challenge as well. But, again, once day one is over, everything should be ok from then on.
Possibly the most annoying thing about this is that I can no longer do any online shopping unless I want to pay extra to have it delivered early. I've got a few gift cards to spend in Australian local shops and if I want to order anything online, I don't want to risk it taking more than two weeks to arrive and then having to have my parents arrange for it to be sent over. I think when I reach the only week mark, if I want to order anything online, I'll just have it sent straight there!