Thursday, 24 January 2013

Not like home uni.

Today was certainly an experience! It hasn't rained for 2 whole days now (small yay).
We had our first public law lecture this morning. It doesn't have a tutorial to go with it, so we thought it was the perfect subject. Within about 10 minutes of it starting, we were all on our laptops looking for another subject to enrol in. The lecturer was an old woman who was hard to understand to begin with. Combine that with a very quiet microphone and no powerpoint (literally, she just read an essay), oh and the fact that it's law, made it almost impossible to engage with what was going on. Thank goodness we were given a break at the hour mark so we could make a quick exit!
We went straight to the enrolment rooms and un-enrolled. We spent some time finding a new subject that works with our timetables, and ended up in la France: dynamiques et recomposition territoriales (I think it's a fancy name for geography/earth science). We had our first lecture about 15 mins later and it was MUCH better. There was a powerpoint and it was logical to follow. And it was actually interesting!

Spending time in the library

Afterwards, we just had a lunch break and then back into classes. This time the literature class. I've been doing a lot of work at home for this class, because as my thoughts were confirmed this lesson, we don't actually have the equivalent grammar in english... So, I can't just come home and look up an english translation/english examples of what we're doing, because there simply isn't one. I think I'm getting the basic concept though.
Tonight, we're heading out for an ERASMUS party (erasmus is the program that european exchange students are a part of, we're not erasmus, but it's easier just to say we are because no one really knows what to call us). People here go out a lot later than in Syd. This thing tonight starts at 10pm. And then goes to whoever knows when. I'm so exhausted (ha I'm so old), so I'm not staying late at all. But it should give us an opportunity to meet some other people studying here!

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