Wednesday, 29 May 2013

Before mum comes.

I have learnt and accomplished a number of things over the last few days.

1. Never trust the Bordeaux weather forecast. It is never accurate. For the last five days, I have been planning on going to Lacanau Ocean for a celebratory day of bike riding as I've just submitted my final UTS assignment for semester one. Lacanua is surf central in this neck of the woods, a few big surf comps happen there annually. Every time I had planned on going (with the forecast indicating it would be clear and warm) it has ended up raining. And every day it was supposed to storm, it has been lovely weather. Well, relatively lovely. Despite it being almost summer here, I'm still wearing jeans and jackets outside. Today I wore shorts just to be defiant, and regretted that decision dearly.

2. Bike riding is fun. I've been putting off bike riding here for a long time, almost five months to be exact. You have to ride on the road here, which kind of puts me off, and I haven't ridden a bike in a long time, so I thought I'd be really shaky and fall off and get run over. But, it was surprisingly a lot easier than I thought. I picked it back up straight away and just stayed off main roads. Most of the streets around my house are one way as well, which made it easier to keep track of where cars were. Plus, it was only one euro for 24 hours!

My bike with basket and everything!

3. Once you get the ball rolling with social security in France, things kind of snow ball. For the last two months, I've been trying to sort out my application for the CAF, including paying into a French insurance company to get a social security number, just to write that number on my application which will hopefully be successfully processed and I should start receiving money back from the French government. Win! After a slow beginning, all in one week, I've had my birth certificate translated, got my social security number and sent off my application forms. I should have a response by the time I get home from travelling with Mum.

4. International movies are kind of cool. I saw my first Chinese martial arts movie a few days ago, The Grandmaster. It was all in Chinese, with French subtitles, and was awesome in both story line and cinematography. I also discovered that one of the actresses in the movie I had actually seen at the Cannes Film Festival.

5. Making a room completely dust free is exhausting. I'm currently in the process of cleaning my room for Mum's arrival in two days/less than 24 hours now. Not that it was incredibly messy to begin with, but mums a clean/neat freak when it comes to stuff like any sign of dust. Once she gets here, I'll give her the grand tour of Bordeaux for the weekend, and then we're heading off on our big adventure of Eastern Europe!

6. I've picked crocheting back up again. After finishing the back and front of the jumper I'm knitting, I got sick of the pattern, so for a while, I'm crocheting random things. Like food.

Front and back of jumper

Crocheted beanie

The cat trying to get in on some dinner action. I
patted it for the first time the other day!

Crocheted doughnut

My new beanie.

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