Thursday, 2 May 2013

The last few days.

Nothing much has been happening at all since I've got back from Turkey. The first day, I moped about wishing I was back in Turkey haha. It was a pretty nice day actually, so I just went walking along the quays for something to do. Something UTS don't tell you before you leave is you can actually get pretty bored over here. At the moment, I'm waiting for mum to come over and I'll do a fair chunk of travelling once she's gone, so for the month of May, I'm hunkering down at home to do some serious Australian uni work. Which is boring, and can render you home ridden for hours on end. I make sure I leave the house for at least two hours a day. Apart from the obvious running, lately I've just been randomly walking the streets at about 8pm (after dinner, and the great thing is, it's still light!), and taking lunch to the park on the water. I went to the movies as well a few days ago. I accidentally decided to see a German film, Hannah Arendt, meaning I ended up reading French subtitles the entire time, but it was good speed reading practice. It was a WW11 movie, based on the true story of a journalist who reported on Adolf Eichmann's trial.
Today, though, I started my third UTS assignment; the methodology module. It's pretty much a half-size project prepping you for the bigger one that's yet to come. As I investigated religion in Bordeaux for my last lit. review, I took a wild stab in the dark that it would be waaayyy easier to stick with the same topic for the next assignment too. So, I'm currently exploring religious institutions in Bordeaux, pretty much just Catholic churches, and their surrounding neighbourhoods, looking at how the churches are used today as compared to how they were used, and how the different neighbourhoods interact with the places. I spent a good chunk of today just wandering around to five churches, photographing them and lazily observing them (as this is the first day, I thought I would take it easy haha). I actually discovered some really cool places in the back streets of Bordeaux, where I'd been before, but hadn't taken much notice of my surroundings, including one sewing shop which looked pretty homey. I'll defs have to go back there again!
I purchased this new photo app on my iPad - 360 (99 cents) - which lets you take 360 degree iew photos. It's pretty awesome! You can't see it in the photos I've uploaded as they're the flat versions of them, but in the app, you can swivel around the photos like you're actually there. I just wanted to take photos all day with it!

Inside Saint-André

Outside Saint-André

Actually, just discovered, you can view them all here:

p.s. nose piercing!

Feeling Australian on a walk

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