Yesterday was, I think, the most productive day I've had this year.
On tour, somewhere along the way, the corner of my iPad screen cracked.
Luckily, it was covered by travel insurance. So, yesterday, after doing my washing and unpacking, sending off mail (I've now got the CAF), grocery shopping, cleaning my room, exercising, and picking up needed essentials, I went to the Apple store. I didn't know this, but to see a Genius, you have to book an online appointment... So they couldn't actually fix it there and then. I enquired as to how long it would take etc etc. They guy booked me an appointment for that afternoon and said it would be done within ten minutes.
I went home and dropped my shopping off. Then headed back to the store. The Genius told me the screen couldn't be replaced (apparently some generations can't be replaced), so they replaced the entire iPad. Score! It cost 219 euros altogether, and I'm lodging my insurance claim now.
On the way home I ducked into Meriadeck to look at iPad cases.
I'm now in the process of searching for the most travel appropriate/cool case I can find!
Also check out some of the dodgy as panoramas I just uploaded:
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