To help rectify the situation, I turned to the all-knowing power of the internet and typed in "Why is there so much saliva in my mouth?". I was so glad to find that someone else has had the same problem as I'm having, though he's a little bit more defensive of his condition. Have a gander:
Why do I always have way too much spit in my mouth?
Before you start asking retarded questions or giving an obviously wrong answer, I'll shoot them down.
1. No I'm not retarded, my IQ is probably higher than yours.
2. I don't have braces or anything like that
3. No, my tongue isn't pierced (actually I want to but all this spit is the reason I never did, I'll drool like a St. Bernard all the time!)
4. No I don't have rabies
5. No I don't have a cleft lip or any medical malformation.
I don't like it or hate it, it just is and I could never figure out why? I thought it was because my mouth is always ajar but so is so many other people's and they don't have this. My speech is always slurred but it doesn't matter because I'm drunk half the time anyway. One advantage is I scare people out of arguing with me cause I end up spraying spit all over them and I look scary/gross foaming at the mouth looking like I have rabies.Hahaha, gross I know.
So, why do I? Overactive saliva glands? Or something else?
1. No I'm not retarded, my IQ is probably higher than yours.
2. I don't have braces or anything like that
3. No, my tongue isn't pierced (actually I want to but all this spit is the reason I never did, I'll drool like a St. Bernard all the time!)
4. No I don't have rabies
5. No I don't have a cleft lip or any medical malformation.
I don't like it or hate it, it just is and I could never figure out why? I thought it was because my mouth is always ajar but so is so many other people's and they don't have this. My speech is always slurred but it doesn't matter because I'm drunk half the time anyway. One advantage is I scare people out of arguing with me cause I end up spraying spit all over them and I look scary/gross foaming at the mouth looking like I have rabies.Hahaha, gross I know.
So, why do I? Overactive saliva glands? Or something else?
So my problem doesn't seem to be as serious as his, but I wonder, does rabies really cause you to have too much saliva in your mouth? So, once again, I found myself searching for signs of rabies. Like many other apparently, I'm wondering the same thing "Do I have rabies?".
Do i have rabies?
I got bitten by one of those little white mice one time. It was like 7 years ago, i dont remember sick, and i bought the mouse from some people who had like a whole bunch of them, i never felt sick or anything. Do you think rabies might be dormant in my body for 7 frikkin years? i never got any shots or anything, and i didnt say anything about it when i was a kid because i was like 11 and was scared to get the shots, so i kept my mouth closed, and eventually completely forgot id been bitten till i was watching something on rabies, and i was just wondering if u guys think i might have rabies. btw, mouse died like so long ago, my mom killed em because she was extremely horrified and disgusted by them haha, anyways, tell me what u think.
My favourite thing about this trawl is that there are no symptoms provided, just the very open question of 'I was just wondering if you guys think I might have rabies'. I've eaten after playing with my dog having not washed my hands before. She's still alive seven years later, and so am I, maybe rabies is the reason my mouth is so salivascious when I run (I'm coining that word now).
Whatever the reason (probably rabies), I need to learn to expel some of this saliva from my mouth when I'm running. Guys are pretty good spitters. I hate spitting, it's gross and looks disgusting. But if I'm not going to drown in a pool of my own bodily fluids, I need to learn how to (and Rose from Titanic learnt to spit, and she was pretty classy, so it can't be THAT bad). Once again "How do you spit?". Long story short, I never learnt to spit. I just got caught up trawling youtube watching other people engaging in spitting competitions with different kinds of objects. Like this one:
Did you know, the world record for spitting an olive pit is 21.2 metres!
You can tell I was pretty bored today. Apart from the time I was running, just trying to stay alive.
Other than that, I discovered a new shopping centre today at the end of another bus line: Rives d'Arcins. And I've begun booking bus and train tickets for Spain + Portugal next month!
P.S. I know there is a white outline on most of the text. I tried googling it, but low and behold, the internet didn't have an answer!