Thursday, 4 July 2013

I am not a rebel.

When I first had my nose pierce in Toulouse, I was so adamant that I would never put a ring in it. I had a four hour layover there after flying back from Istanbul and, having always wanted a nose piercing, I went and had it done while I waited. I've always thought that people with piercings are rebellious and their parents mustn't like them very much, especially people with any sort of ring piercing. I was so against ever putting a ring through my nose that, when the piercer was measuring my nose to poke what looks like a metal tooth pick through it, he told me 8mm. Confused, I asked him what he meant, and he said I had an 8mm gap between the point where he was going to pierce and the bottom of my nose, incase I ever wanted to put a ring in (you can get rings all different sizes, but I can't have any smaller than 8mm. I'm pretty sure 8mm is standard). He was very precise with his measurements. I did a nervous laugh and said "Oh no no, I just want a stud. I won't be putting a ring in". He said it was just incase. In my head, a rant was happening. I am never putting a ring in my nose.
A few weeks after getting home, I was reading up on nose piercings and most sights claimed that ring piercings are the easiest to clean. Which makes sense, as to clean them, you just turn them around, and stuff doesn't get stuck on the inside of your nose on the end of the piercing. But no.
And then, mum and I were in Berlin. And I saw some rings piercings. And I said that I was going to buy one. She said I could do whatever I wanted once she was gone. I said ok. And I bought five rings. After waiting two months to change the piercing (I'm not sure how long you're supposed to wait, some blogs say 8 weeks, some say 3 months. I basically just waited until it didn't hurt when I pulled on it and it had healed), I put my first ring in two days ago. It was supposed to be only a temporary thing. My original piercing was an 18 gauge (1mm), the rings are a 20 gauge (0.8mm). I thought it I left it in for too long, the piercing would get smaller. The internet has since assured me that this won't happen as it takes ages for nose cartilage to heal, and I can stretch it back up a size anyway if I need to.
So, I'm leaving my new ring in. It took some time to get used it. It tickles the end of my nose a bit, and when I rub the bottom, I sometimes forget it's there. But I'm getting used to it.
And, I'm pretty sure I'm not a massive rebel, and my parents still like me. So, that's a win for piercings!

I also made lamingtons for my housemates two days ago! Yesterday was my half way day so to celebrate, I was going to make them then. But both my housemates were at work the day before, so I had the kitchen to myself so I just did it then. I'm not going to lie, they were amazing. I'm a pretty good cook. I was feeling pretty good about my cooking abilities, so I even made a vegetarian roast for dinner (kind of a roast).

It has been incredibly hot here lately. Singlet and shorts weather and you still sweat. The days are hot, but the nights are cool, so no problems sleeping. I'm not actually sure if it's that hot, but when you've been getting an average of 12 degrees for the last few months, and 3 degrees prior to that, anything above 20 is hot. If it's too hot to go outside, I video stream the tour de france on my mac and lie under the skylight with the shade pulled across and just listen to it. I don't get the SBS coverage, but some weird British commentary with a random French guy. They're pretty boring to listen to, I miss Phil Liggett. It's also weird watching it during the day, and not at 3am. I'm heading over to Ax-les-Thermes in two days to see part of a stage! Exciting!!

We're kind of friends now. One of them anyway.

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