Friday 18 January 2013

Less clothes means more choice.

It rained again today. All day. So I did my washing lol. I was meant to do it yesterday but got lazy and never actually got around to it. We have to add this special powder stuff when we wash because the water's very chalky here and it can clog the machine. I hope I used the right one... My clothes seemed clean?
I dried everything in my room! We don't have a dryer, just those fold out clothes lines and my room has plenty of spare room so I had both of them in there and didn't even notice them. Afterwards, I wanted to look for a new bedspread, as previously discussed. My housemates had never heard the term 'bedspread' before and one thought I said 'bed bread' haha. We all went to the local Carrefour to buy group stuff (washing powder, the like), then I continued solo to meriadeck. I'm getting really good at catching trams and buses now and knowing where to get off (I did get off a few stops early on the bus, but I enjoyed the rest of the walk, I even found some sort of public garden house). I don't even really need to exercise with the amount of walking I do here. I walk everywhere!

Gardens House

I found a new bedspread at Auchin. The Union Jack! It was the best one there that wasn't either a plain colour or boring plain circles. I also bought my first pastry! A pain au chocolat, or chocolate croissant. Was tres delish! When walking home, I got my umbrella out and found that it has broken :( one of the strings has come unattached. I'll have to buy a new one.

New bedspread

I also discovered today that P plates in France aren't P plates. They're A plates. I want to try and get one before I leave to stick on my car when I get home! I'm not sure what the A stands for though...

I'm getting used to living with less clothes now. In fact, it's better than having more clothes. It's a lot more easier to get dressed of a morning when I don't have to choose between say 30 things, because there's only 5. It also makes clothing combinations more fun!

Tonight, we had problems with our Internet. Not the funnest of things to have problems with. Something happened on my mac where wifi wasn't even configured anymore and I had no idea what was going on. Eventually, I added something and did something and got it up and running again. Then it dropped out. Tomorrow is call the Internet place and work out what's going on day!


  1. The southern cross is missing!!!!

  2. I know :( This one was the best I could find!

  3. Speaking of union jacks and flags please keep your eye on the post ;) love reading your blogs! Amy xox

  4. I noticed A plates in New Caledonia. I thought it might have been apprentissage?
